Many Adults Are Stopping Their Minds From Growing. Here’s How To Fix Your Mind To Continue To Grow!
The advantages of continuing education as an adult learner are numerous. By learning and perfecting new skills, you could advance your career, secure a new job, or even pursue your ambitions in a new field.
But as adults, our motivation to continue education wanes. Not to mention, we have far more on our minds now than we did as children, teenagers, and students. Those simple rewards of the past are no longer relevant, and the mere thought of returning to academic practices of the past is soul-sucking.
These following 4 keys will unlock your stagnate mind and address the common difficulties and misconceptions often held by potential adult learners.
1.“I’m too old; it’s too late for me to learn something new”
As human beings, our true education is lifelong. Your brain will never switch off or refuses to take in new information. The only limit is your curiosity and willpower. You certainly can teach an old dog new tricks, especially with a fun approach.
2. “I finished formal education, and I have no desire to return!”
With strict, formal education out of the way, why not choose to learn about something that interests you? Being forced to learn is not effective, but now you have the freedom to choose. You will be surprised how fast you will learn when the subject interests you, or will create a better future.
3. “I’m already working full-time; continuing to learn at home feels like just another work shift!”
Try changing your perception. Learning is an investment into your future, whether for financial security, career progression, or pursuit of your true desires. Make learning fun and purposeful, and you will enjoy it.
4.“The conventional methods brought me great results in the past; how can a fun learning approach be as effective?”
By making learning fun you will manipulate the brain’s reward center to work in your favor. Not only will it fuel your motivation, but your brain will absorb information like a sponge!
If you found yourself recalling on the many times you’ve said the quotes above in your head, then now is the time to break those mental blocks and re-program or re-teach your mind to continue to grow and learn.
Use these tips and share them with others. Let us know how you and others are continuing to let their minds grow on our social networks today! We would love to hear from you!